Choosing an electric stove to heat your home can be truly versatile. It is a simple way to heat your home and can be an easy and inexpensive way to do so. There are many benefits of choosing an electric stove and we have listed them below:
The beauty of using this type of stove is that it doesn’t have to be installed under a chimney which makes it easier to fit. Electric stoves are highly efficient and can be a perfect option if you have a smaller home or just need to heat a single room. Cleaning your electric stove is easy as well, just a quick dust and wipe of the glass does the trick.
An electric stove can look very similar to a real wood burner. You can see the flames dance through the glass front, creating a warming atmosphere in your home. An electric stove can look stunning when placed in an unused fireplace and creates a warming atmosphere.
Electric stoves can come in different colours and shapes, so you will always find something to suit the style of the room.
An electric stove can be easily plugged in, so you can take it from room to room if needed. It can be plugged in to the corner of the room or it can be made the main focal point.
Electric stoves have become more popular thanks to the likes of Kevin McCloud and Sarah Beeny, who have helped them become the ‘must-haves’ of home décor. Traditionally seen as a ubiquitous source of rural heat, the stove is becoming increasingly fashionable in cities and towns.
We have an innovative range of 100% efficient lcd electric stoves that not only provide a low cost source of heat but one that can be easily controlled for all year round comfort